
from several species (human, bovine, rabbit, and rat). The results indicated that PB interacts with 1 high-affinity site of albumin from these species, which corresponds to site II of human albumin. The affinities of PB to human and bovine albumins were higher than those to rabbit and rat albumin, and that to rabbit albumin was the lowest. Binding and molecular docking studies using structurally related compounds of PB suggested that species differences in the affinity are attributed to differences in the structural feature of the PB-binding sites on albumins (e.g., charge distribution, hydrophobicity, shape, or size). () Long chain fatty acids alter the interactive binding of ligands to the two principal drug binding sites of human serum albumin. Yamasaki K () Hyodo S () Taguchi K () Nishi K () Yamaotsu N () Hirono S () Chuang VTG () Seo H () Maruyama T () Otagiri M () PLoS One., Vol12(6), e0180404 2017 (29) doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0180404 A wide variety of drugs bind to human serum albumin (HSA) at its two principal sites, namely site I and site II. A number of reports indicate that drug binding to these two binding sites are not completely independent, and that interactions between ligands of these two discrete sites can play a role. In this study, the effect of the binding of long-chain fatty acids on the interactive binding between dansyl-L-asparagine (DNSA; site I ligand) and ibuprofen (site II ligand) at pH6.5 was examined. Binding experiments showed that the binding of sodium oleate (Ole) to HSA induces conformational changes in the molecule, which, in turn, changes the individual binding of DNSA and ibuprofen, as well as the mode of interaction between these two ligands from a 'competitive-like' allosteric interaction in the case of the defatted HSA

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