
cancer progression and prolonged the survival time in a murine ovarian cancer model under single and combined treatment conditions. Thus, ONA is considered useful for the addnl. treatment of patients with ovarian cancer owing to its suppression of the protumor activation of TAMs and direct cytotoxicity against cancer cells. Apoptosis induction of poly-S-nitrosated human serum albumin in resistant solid tumor under hypoxia can be restored by phosphodiesterase 5 inhibition Chuang, Victor T. G. Nitric OxideVol. 69, pp. 28-34DOI: 10.1016/j.niox.2017.04.005 Poly-S-nitrosated human serum albumin (Poly-SNO-HSA) delivered and accumulated nitric oxide (NO) in tumors and induces apoptosis. Tumor hypoxia is strongly assocd. with malignant progression and tumor resistance to therapy. In this study, we examd. the cytotoxic effect of Poly-SNO-HSA under hypoxia on the murine colon 26 adenocarcinoma (C26) cells in vitro and in vivo. Under hypoxia, at about 4 times LD50 dose of Poly-SNO-HSA in vitro, the reactive oxygen species prodn. was hindered but apoptotic cells were induced via cGMP pathway as the effect was suppressed by a sol. guanylate cyclase inhibitor, NS2028. The apoptosis induction effect of low dose Poly-SNO-HSA on C26 cells in vitro under hypoxia can be restored by a phosphodiesterase 5 (PDE5) inhibitor, vardenafil. In C26-bearing mice, Poly-SNO-HSA/vardenafil combination treatment significantly suppressed the tumor vol. compared with Poly-SNO-HSA or vardenafil treatment alone. Furthermore, the core tumor tissues showed increased expression of caspase-3 than the non-core tissue. The

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